My dream is that through the ITOT Foundation we can all support the incredible work that can be achieved through the power of horse therapy to help adults and children overcome their disabilities and live more fulfilling lives.
The therapeutic benefits of simply being around horses are amazing and when experienced by people of all ages with physical or mental impairments the outcomes are life changing.
Horses can be healers. I was fortunate to experience Itot’s magical qualities as we competed around the world for years. Now the ITOT Foundation will play its part in helping ensure the precious benefits of horse therapy are felt and enjoyed by as many people as possible.”
Edwina Tops-Alexander
ITOT Foundation supports the renowned Sint Oda equine therapy centre which offers a unique range of tailor-made care for children and adults with profound and complex mental and physical disabilities. Hippotherapy, which means horse therapy, has existed for thousands of years, but the past few decades were decisive in bringing the healing benefits of horses in the rehabilitation of people with disabilities to the spotlight.